6mm Wargaming have no details? Debunked! - Terramorph Miniatures Terrain Review

One of the most common misconceptions (or myths or we can even say lies) is that 6mm wargaming have no details. But, thats just not true! And I will show it to you in this review/unboxing of lovely 6mm terrain from french company Terramorph Miniatures!

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As they say on their website:

Discover my ranges of terrain and buildings, to accessorize your 6mm scale (1:285) wargames and tabletop games! I create buildings models, roads infrastructures and terrain scenics, all highly detailed and made with a precision true to History and reality.

All my terrain and building ranges are compatible with any 6mm games and rules, such as 6mm Battlefront games (yes!), Micro-Armour : the game, Blitzkrieg Commander II, etc…

Collect superb models all made in France, created with love and care by an architect crazy about History and wargames! Terramorph Miniatures means French quality and know-how at players' and collectors' service.

To all european friends: Buy in France*, don't waste your money for excessive customs fees!

(* preferably at Terramorph Miniatures' ;-) )


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