Are 15mm "Pike and shotte" era miniatures from Alternative Armies a good match with "Epic" aka sort of 15mm range of Pike and Shotte from Warlord Games? Lets find out with packs from both infantry and cavalry ranges - Because its sad truth, that Warlord failed to deliver heavy cavalry in their range.
And also there is a mech. I guess you didnt expect it.
Also, as promised in the video: Dragoons vs Commanded Shotte - Whats the difference in era of Pike and Shot?
Official range description: Welcome to the ALTUOS 15mm Renaissance miniatures 17th Century. Here we span the 17th century with a focus on the English Civil War. The miniatures in the range are from Alternative Armies and also formally of Table Top Miniatures with new poses added from 2018 onwards. We have separated it from the larger 15th and 16th century part of the range. The Ottoman Turkish miniatures are also here.
Codes are group together by type infantry, command and cavalry then artillery and lastly the Ottoman Turkish part of the range. Miniatures are sold as singles or as small sets such as artillery crews. We also have scenics, buildings and bases.
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