
4chan HWG Secret Santa 2016

Naz-ghul Cup 2016

Naz-ghul Cup 2016 - Fotogalerie

Lil Ctulhu - Unboxing

Fotogalerie z W40k miniturnaje v Killteamu

Alien vs Predator - Crusher - Unboxing

Cypher - Lord of the Fallen

Alien vs Predator - USCMC Powerloader

Velmi Retro Turnaj - Fotogalerie

Bolt Action - Goliath Demolition Team

Velmi Retro Turnaj - Výsledky, fotky z předávání cen a trocha pondělního zenu

Bolt Action V2 - Germany vs USA 1250pts

Imperial Guard Savlar Chem Dogs Commissar

Alien vs Predator - Predator Hellhounds

Změny v Bolt Action pravidlech 2.0

Moje první hra v Battlefleet Gothic

Imperial Guard Ministorum Priests

W40k miniturnaj na 650pts

The Devil's Run: The Law Haulage Company Buggy

Imperial Guard Sanctioned Psyker

The Devil's Run: Haul's Angel Gasser

Warlord Games StuH42 for Bolt Action

Fotogalerie z W40k 650pts miniturnaje

ChaindleroMatch: Ultramarines x Eldars - Fotogalerie a videa

The Devil's Run: The Law Haulage Company Patroller

Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins - Změny v pravidlech 2.0

Začínáme s Bolt Action

The Devil's Run: Riot Grrl - Unboxing

Velmi Letní Turnaj - Fotogalerie

The Devil's Run: Route 666 Core Game - Modely

The Devil's Run: Route 666 Core Game - Unboxing

AWI Hessian Officier

AWI Hessian Jaegers

Waffen SS skeleton cavalry for Bolt Action

AVP Alien Warriors - Unboxing

Warlord Games Hessian Regiment - Unboxing

Volkssturm anti-tank rifle team for Bolt Action

AVP Predator Hellhounds - Unboxing

Fotogalerie z Combat Patrol miniturnaje 10.4.2016

Der Untergang - Bolt Action objective markers

Combo Strike Event - Jaro 2016

Hans Hoch! - Surrendering German objective marker for Bolt Action

Stavíme město do Bolt Action

Adolf Hitler statue objective market for Bolt Action

Nabarvený SdKfz.251/1 ausf.C

Velmi Kritický Turnaj 1.0 - Fotky ze sobotního večera

GTTT 2016 - Fotogalerie

Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins Boardgame - Modely

Bolt Action mega battle - Siege of Bastogne